Join us

We are delighted that you would like to support the Recipe for Change campaign.

Please contact us below if your organisation would like to put their name and logo to the campaign, or if you would like to find out more information.




What does being a member of the Recipe for Change coalition involve?

Our coalition members are vital to helping the campaign succeed, by showing the Government the strong and varied support base that sits behind our call to action.

We welcome new members who are non-profit organisations, with no commercial interests.

Requirements of being a coalition member

  • Share your organisation’s logo which will be displayed on our website
  • Have your name listed as a supporter in press releases and other publications as part of the Recipe for Change coalition

Opportunities for coalition members

The role your organisation plays will vary depending on your work and interests. As well as sharing regular updates with you, we may invite you to:

  • Connect us with your networks
  • Share quotes for press releases
  • Contribute blogs and news pieces for our website
  • Input into campaign and policy direction
  • Support with comms around events
  • And more opportunities as they arise!

Being an Associated Supporter

If you are interested in supporting the campaign but are not in a position to sign up formally and put your logo to the campaign, please do get in touch still and we can share more about our ‘Associated Supporter’ role.


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We are calling for an industry levy to help make food healthier.

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